Photo of Henrique Bezerra

Henrique Bezerra

Henrique is an energy market specialist with 20 years of experience in the energy sectors of nine different countries in Asia, Europe, and Latin America. As co-founder of Interface Advocacy Ambiental, he has worked with policy-making and environmental advocacy to promote a just energy transition mindful of social-environmental safeguards in Brazil. More recently, he joined the Climate Champions Team to mitigate methane emissions from fossil fuels.

Henrique joins the Global Methane Hub as the Regional Lead, Latin America. Previously, he was the government relations director and then country manager of a British government relations and strategic communications consultancy specialized in Emerging Markets, where he worked closely with Brazil’s Environmental Agency, Federal Ministries, National Congress, state governors and mayors to promote renewable power generation and transmission projects, the digital economy, data protection, human rights, and climate resilience.

He has a MA in International Economic Relations at FLACSO (Argentina) and Universitat de Barcelona (Spain), where he researched Argentina’s public policies to attract private investments to the development of its energy sectors. He holds a BA in International Relations at the University of Brasilia.